Tuesday, February 28, 2012

قصة من الزمن الجميل ... نساء زمااااااااااان

A Story from the Beautiful Ages.... The Women of the old ages

كان هناك رجل متزوج و لديه خدم
وفي يوم من الأيام خرجت الزوجة إلى الحديقة
فوجدت أحد الخدم جالساً يبكي
There was a married man who has servants
Someday, His wife went out for a walk in the garden
She found one of the servants siting in the garden and his eyes full of tears
فقالت له : مابالك أراك حزيناً
قال لها : طردني سيدي
قالت له : لماذا ؟
She asked him: Why you are crying?..
So, he answered: My Master fired me
"Why?" the wife asked.
قال لها : لقد كسرت آنية من الزجاج و أنا غافل
قالت له : تعال معي إليه
So the servant telling her the story: I have broken a vase by mistake.
The wife asked him to follow her back home.
فذهبا معاً وحين وصلوا قال لخادمه لماذا عدت مجدداً
قالت الزوجة : أنا أحضرته لقد كسر آنية زجاج فطردته
قال لها : و ما شأنك أنتي ؟
قالت : هذا ظلم و جور
When they reached home, the husband said to the servant "Why you are here?"
The wife replied to the husband: I brought him back as it's unfair to fire him just because he broke a vase by mistake.
فقال لها : سيعود بشرط أن تذهبي أنتي إلى أهلك ..
فقالت : موافقة ..
فقال الزوج : خذي معك أعز ماتملكين و غداً تذهبين
The husband told the wife:"It's ok, He back to his work in one condition, You leave the house back to your parents house...and take with you the dearest thing to your heart with you."
So the wife Answered: "OK, Agreed."
و حين خيّم الظلام خدرته و أخذته معها إلى أهلها
When the sun already set... She numbed the husband and took him with her to her parents house.
وفي الصباح حين أستيقظ وجد نفسه في منزلها
فقال : أين أنا و من أتى بي إلى هنا
فأتته زوجته وقالت : أنا من أحضرتك إلى هنا
قال : لماذا
At morning, The husband woke up to find himself in his in law house... wondered "Why I'm here? How did I come to here! I do not remember coming to here!!i
"I'm the one who brought you here" the wife answering her husband back.
"Why?" the Husband said.
قالت : قلت لي خذي أعز ما تملكين و أنت أعز من أملك
فأبتسم وقال تعالي نرجع إلى البيت !
The wife quietly said: "You asked me to go out from your house and told me to take the dearest thing to my heart... and that is you"
So the Husband smiled said to his wife "Come my dearest wife, let's back to our home"
شايفين زمان ونساء زمان !
لو نساءنا كان اخذت ذهبها وعطورها
واهم شيء شاحن الموبايل
Do you see how the old ages women were???
Not like nowadays women.. They will take their perfumes and mobile chargers!!
Hahaha... The story just for fun!

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