Saturday, February 11, 2012

قصة الحاكم و المستشار

قصة ...وحكمة....اكثر من رائعة!
A story.. A wisdom... More than great!

يحكى أن حاكماً متسلطاً كان لديه مستشار حكيم عاقل وكان هذا المستشار يردد عند كل حادثة وأمر جملة :
[ خير إن شاء الله ]
It's been told that there was a dictator king who has a wise consultant. It was known about the consultant saying "Khairun, IN SHA' ALLAH (Good, God Willing)."

وفي مرة كان الحاكم وحاشيته على مائدة الطعام فأصاب الحاكم اصبعه بالسكين أثناء التقطيع وانتثرت دمائه فهب إليه الجميع ومعهم المستشار الطيب وهو يردد :
[ خير إن شاء الله ، خير إن شاء الله ، خير إن شاء الله ]
Someday, while the king was eating, he cut his finger, so all the servants around him, including the consultant rush into the king trying to help him. Only the consultant kept saying what he always say "Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH, Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH,..."

فغضب عليه الحاكم غضباً شديداً وقال له أي خير في أن تقطع السكين أصبعي ؟
أنت أحمق ، خذوه إلى السجن ليتأدب
فسحبه الجند وهو يردد [ خير إن شاء الله ]
The king got very angry when he heard the consultant words and said to him "What Goodness there are in cutting my finger??? you are stupid." then shout "Guards, take this stupid to the jail to get mannered!"
While the guards sending him to the jail, the consultant repeating "Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH, Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH,..."

فقال الحاكم هذا الأحمق يقاد إلى السجن ويقول خير !! لتقضي بقية حياتك في السجن حتى تعرف الخير.
"Stay and spend all of your life in this prison you stupid, so you know what The khair is!" the king said

وبعد فترة قريبة حان موسم الصيد، وكان الحاكم يذهب مع حاشيته إلى الغابة لصيد الغزلان،والغزال حيوان حذر وحساس يتطلب صيده ترقب وصبر،كان الحاكم يدخل إلى الغابة لوحده برفقة المستشار فقط،وبما أن المستشار مسجون دخل الحاكم ورأي غزال بمفرده
وبينما هو يتعمق في الغابة ويتابع الغزال
The king used to go to the jungle to hunt Gazzelle, and used take his consultant with him. Now, his consultant is in the prison, The king decided to go and hunt alone. While he was searching in the jungle,

تفاجأ برجال من قبيلة متوحشة أمسكوا به وقيدوه وهو يصرخ وينادي ولا أحد يسمعه لبعده عن الحاشية
أخذته القبيلة واتضح أنهم يريدون تجهيزه قرباناً لآلهتهم واستسلم الحاكم لقدره.
a human-eater tribe men, hunted the king by a net, so he started to shout asking for help but in vein, no one can hear him. They tribe men took him back to their town in the middle of the jungle to slaughter him for their beloved god (LA ILAH ILLA ALLAH).

وأخذ يبكي ويتذكر أحواله وتسلطه على الناس .وفجأة حدث جدال وخلاف كبير بين أفراد القبيلة،ثم جاؤوا إليه وفكوه وقالوا اذهب لا حاجة لنا بك !
So the king started to cry and remembered how bad he was with his people, then gave up for his fate.
When they reached to the town, they put him in a cage while preparing for slaughtering him. Suddenly, the king hear a sound of argument among the tribe people. After a while, the tribe men came and released him and asked him to leave.

فتعجب الحاكم وقال هل هذه خدعة لتقتلوني وأنا أهرب ؟
قالوا لا لقد اتضح لنا أن اصبعك مقطوع وهذا لا يناسب آلهتنا،يجب أن يكون القربان مكتملاً بلا .عيب ولا نقص
So the king got surprised and asked them "are you trying trick me so you kill me while I'm running?!!"
"Your finger is cut", the tribe men answered, " and we can not submit your incomplete body to our god!!"

،فذهب الحاكم يركض وهو يبكي ويردد [ خير إن شاء الله ]
فتذكر كلام المستشار وكيف أن قطع أصبعه كان خيراً له فعلاً،وذهب إليه مباشرة في السجن أخرجه وقبله واعتذر منه
The king still in a shock, he started running while he still does not believe this miracle... so he kept saying "I hope it's Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH".
When he reached back to his castle, he decided to change his behavior with his people and servants. So he went to the jail and released his consultant and apologized to him and told him about everything happened with him how he has been saved because of his finger cut.

ولكن أخبرني أيهالمستشار أي خير في أن أدخلتك السجن ؟
قال يا مولاي .. ألست أرافقك وحدي دائماً في الغابة ؟
قال الحاكم بلى ! فقال المستشار:
فإن لم أكن في السجن لأمسكوني معك
ولأطلقوك وقدموني قرباناً فأنا لا عيب لدي ولا إصبع مصاب،فضحك الحاكم وتعجب من تقدير الله سبحانه وقال الآن أيقنت بأن كل سوء قد يكون وراءه خير لا نعلمه
Then the king asked his consultant saying "Man, I want to ask you one thing, why when I ordered to jail you, why did you keep saying "Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH"?
So the wise consultant answered him back "Haven't I come with you always to the jungle for hunting trips?"
"Yes!" the king answered
The consultant "So, if I was not in the Jail, the tribe would arrest both of us, then they will release you because of your finger cut, while they would slaughter me as my body if complete. So I the Jail saved my life. So, It was Khair."
The king laughed and have learnt that after every bad thing there might by a good thing... and since then the people always hear their king say "Khairun IN SHA' ALLAH."
~The End~

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