Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Can you Be like Him?

رجل عراقي اصيل

يملك محلاً متواضعاً جعل منه مطعماً لوجبات الافطار للفقراء والمعاقين .. مجاناً
يقوم بعض الخيرين بأعطائه المال ليستمر بعمله النادر هذا
كلمة تقولها لهذا الانسان ؟

An Iraqi honest man,
has a small booth/store as a restaurant named "Good Morning Iraq Restaurant" for breakfast only and on the same board he wrote "Free for all Poor / Disabled / Maskeen people"....
Some people gives him Charity money to continue his Noble and unique work...

**** تسطيع ان تكون هذا الانسان فقط ايقظ الخير بداخلك 

يقول الإمام علي عليه السلام " لا تخجل من إعطاء القليل فالحرمان أقل منه ....
You can be like that man but All you need is to WAKE UP YOUR INTERNAL CONSCIOUS

Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib says:
Do not feel ashamed of giving LITTLE as the DEPRIVATION is less than LITTLE..

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to give money to poor people?!

لا تعطِ الفقير صدقة و أنت تشعر أنه محتاج لصدقتك
اعطها له و أنت تعلم أنك المحتاج للمغفرة والقبول من الله
اللهم تقبل صدقاتنا .. آمين
Do not give Money to poor people because you think they need your money!!. But give them money because you know that you are the one who needs the forgiveness from Allah and you are the one who need the acceptance of Allah to you.i

لا تعط الفقير ما لاتحب أو رخيص مالديك.. مالاً كان أم غَرَض.. بل أعطي مما تحب و ما تشتهي نفسك.
Do not give poor people from the things you dislike or the cheapest of what you have (Money or Stuff)... But give them from what you love and what you desire to have.
Ya Allah, Please accept our SADAQAT and INFAQ...Ammeen

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Each time I read Quran, I discover more how great the Islam is.

Al-Salam Alaikom,
During last Ramadhan 1432, I read part of Quran but unfortunately couldn't finish it all as before. Nevertheless, I have found How great the Islamic manners are, ALHAMDO LILLAH.
I have learnt how modern and peaceful the Islam is, the opposite of what the western world propagate through its fabricated media trying to distort the pure image of Islam. They try to deceive Our brothers from ADAM (All the people) whoever watch their media by delivering the message "Islam is not modern and does not fit as a religion of peace." But through my reading to Quran Verses I have found that Islam is really peaceful as it teaches Muslims how to live with those who are unbelievers.
Allah (AZZ WA ZALL) have taught Muslim to fight those who attack them and NEVER FIGHT THEM WITHOUT REASON. The Fabricated western Media always cut one sentence from Quran showing the order to fight the unbelievers, trying to deliver the message "Islam orders Muslims to kill every Non Muslim." I have found that those fabricated Media are hiding the verses before or after it which says always "Fight those who fight you, and NEVER INFRINGE." The word INFRINGE means to NOT ATTACK ANYONE UNLESS HE ATTACKS YOU FIRST. SUBHAN ALLAH How great Islam is, Thanks To Allah for showing me the way to Islam, ALHAMDO LILLAH.
An example to what I'm talking about, The Fabricated Medias, always show this verse Number 191 from Surat AL-BAQARAH from Quran
"وَاقْتُلُوهُمْ حَيْثُ ثَقِفْتُمُوهُمْ وَأَخْرِجُوهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ أَخْرَجُوكُمْ وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ وَلاَ تُقَاتِلُوهُمْ عِندَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِيهِ فَإِن قَاتَلُوكُمْ فَاقْتُلُوهُمْ كَذَلِكَ جَزَاء الْكَافِرِينَ"
While hiding the verse Number 190, which says:
 "وَقَاتِلُواْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ وَلاَ تَعْتَدُواْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ".
ALHAMDO LILLAH for the grace of ISLAM.

معادلة الخوارزمي الرائعة - عن الإنسان

معادلة الخوارزمي الرائعة - عن الإنسان

The Greatequation for Al-Khawarizmi about Human

كلام من ذهب

Golden Words to be remembered

" سُئِلَ " الخَوارِزمي" عالم الرياضيات عن الإنسان فأجاب :

Al-Khawarizmi is the famous mathematician, once have been 

asked about Human, So he answered:

إذا كان الإنسان ذا أخلاق فهو = ١

If the Human had manners, then he is = 1

إذا كان الإنسان ذا جمال فأضف إلى الواحد صفراً= ١٠

If the Human had beauty, then add Zero beside the 1 to = 10

إذا كان ذا مال ايضاً فأضف صفراً آخر=١٠٠

If the Human had money, then add another Zero to be = 100

إذا كان ذا حَسَبٍ ونَسَبٍ فأضف صفراً آخر =١٠٠٠

and if the Human had a famous family root, then add another 

Zero to become = 1000

فإذا ذهب العدد واحد وهو الأخلاق

Then If the Human lost his manners, It means The Number 

1000 lost the digit 1,

ذهبت قيمة الإنسان وبقيت الأصفار التي لا قيمة لها.

Which means the Human lost his value as the 1000 lost its 

value when loosing the Digit 1.

قواعد السَّعادة السَّبْع لأمِير المُؤْمِنِين عَلِي (عليه السلام

قواعد السَّعادة السَّبْع لأمِير المُؤْمِنِين عَلِي (عليه السلام)

The Seven Rules of Happiness for The Prince or Believers Ali Bin Abi Talib (Peace be upon him)

١ - لا تكره أحَدا مهِما أخْطَأ في حَقِّك

1- Never hate someone whatever badness he did towards you.

٢ - لا تقلق أبَداً مهما بلغت الهموم

2- Do not you ever worry regardless the burdens of life.

٣ - عِش في بساطة مهما عَلا شَأنُك

3- Live in Simple life  no matter how high positioned you get in your society.

٤ - تَوَقَّع خَيْراً مهما كَـثُر البلاء

4- ِAlways Expect the best no matter how many the hardships are.

٥ - أُعْطِي كثِيراً و لَو حُرِمْت

5- Give a lot even if you are poor.

٦ - ابْتَسِم و لَو القَلْب يَقْطُر دَمَاً

6- Smile even though your eyes filled with bloody tears.

٧ - لا تَقْطَع دُعَاءَك لأخِيْك المُسْلِم بِظَهْر الْغَيب

7- Never stop your prayers for your Muslim brothers back unseen.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Two Prayers or Heaven?!

سألوا الإمام الحسن البصرى

Some people asked ِAl-Hasan Ibn Al-Haythem;

ان خيروك بين :: أمرين :: صلاة ركعتين و دخول الجنة
If you have been given the chance to choose among "Doing two Ruk'at of Salat (Two Prayers)" or "Entering the Heaven",
فأيهما تختار اولا فقال :
Which of them you are going to choose?
سأختار الركعتين اولا
So he answered: I would choose doing Two Ruk'at,
لان فى أدائهما رضاء لربى
Because by doing them, I would satisfy Allah
وفى دخول الجنة رضاء لنفسى
While if I choose Heaven, then I am satisfying myself,
وأولى بالعبد المؤدب ان يفضل رضاء ربه على رضاء نفسه

and the good and polite Mo'min (Believer) would put Allah's satisfaction before his own!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

اروع 10 جمل من اقوال هتلر

1 لا تجادل الأحمق , فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما
2 المهزوم إذا ابتسم , افقد المنتصر لذة الفوز
3 لا تتحدى إنساناً ليس لديه ما يخسره
4 يظل الرجل طفلاً , حتى تموت أمه , فإذا ماتت ، شاخ فجأة
5 إذا طعنت من الخلف , فاعلم أنك في المقدمة
6 كن صديقاً , ولا تطمع أن يكون لك صديق
7♦ عندما تحب عدوك , يحس بتفاهته
كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم

9 لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك , فقد اختارتك أولا
نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب . ولو عاد لكرهناه

Monday, March 19, 2012

Livelihood الرزق

قال علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه:

Ali Bin Abi Talib (R.A.A) said:

الرزق نوعان:

The Livelihood (Riziq) has two types:

رزق يطلبك .. و رزق تطلبه، فأما الذي يطلبك فسوف يأتيك و لو على ضعفك.

و أما الذي تطلبه فلن يأتيك إلا بسعيك .. و هو أيضا من رزقك.

فالأول فضل الله .. و الثاني عدل من الله

Livelihood asking for you... and livelihood you look for it, The First type comes to you even if you are doing nothing, While the second will not come to you unless you work toward it.. both are your livelihood but the first is kindness of Allah.. While the second is the just of Allah.

سبحانك ربي ما أعدلك

Subhan Allah how just he is.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

قصة الملك المتعجرف و الوزير الحكيم

قصة الملك المتعجرف و الوزير الحكيم

The Story of the arrogant king and the wise minister

يقال ان ملك امر بتجويع 10 كلاب لكي يضع معها كل وزير يخطئ في السجن

It's been told that there was an arrogant king who has 10 dogs. Someday, the king wanted to issue a new rule stating that any minister who does mistakes, will be thrown to the dogs. And the king let the 10 dogs very very hungry so they become ready to eat any minister at any time.

... فقام احد الوزراء باعطاء راي خاطئ

فامر برميه للكلاب

Someday, a wise minister gave a wrong opinion about something....

So the king ordered the soldiers to throw him to the hungry dogs.

فقال له الوزير انا خدمتك 10 سنوات وتعمل بي هكذا

امهلني 10 أيام

The wise minister said begging the king: "Please, I have served you 10 years, So how come you do something like this to me! Please postponed throwing me to the dogs 10 days only."

فقال له الملك لك ذلك

The king said to him, "Ok, you got 10 days, 10 days only!"

فذهب الوزير الي حارس الكلاب

فقال له اريد ان اخدم الكلاب فقط لمدة 10 ايام

The minister got happy and went immediately to the dogs cage guard and told him: "I want to serve the dogs 10 days only."

فقال له الحارس وماذا تستفيد قال له الوزير سوف اخبرك بالامرمستقبلا

فقال له الحارس لك ذلك

The Guard felt weird and asked "What will you gain? you are going to die soon?"

The minister answered: "I'll tell you later!"

The guard said: "Ok man, Up to you."

فقام الوزير بالاعتناء بالكلاب واطعامهم وتغسيلهم وتوفير لهم جميع سبل الراحه

For those 10 days, the minister kept taking care of the 10 dogs, feed and wash them and offered all the comfort to them.

وبعد مرور 10 ايام جاء تنفيذ الحكم بالوزير

وزج به في السجن مع الكلاب

والملك ينظر اليه والحاشيه

When the 10'th day was done, The king came with two guards to the minister and said to him: "Now is the show time... Now I can see how you will be eaten by my dogs!"

Then threw the minster into the cage of the hungry dogs.

فاستغرب الملك مما رآه

وهو ان الكلاب جائعة وتناظر تحت قدميه

While they were watching, The king and his family and soldiers got shock of what they saw!!

The Dogs are very hungry but they are standing and sitting beside the minister without hurting him!!

فقال له الملك ماذا فعلت للكلاب

"What have you done to the dogs?" the king asked,

قال له الوزير

خدمت هذه الكلاب 10 ايام فلم تنسى الكلاب هذه الخدمه

وأنت خدمتك 10 سنوات فنسيت كل ذلك

The wise minister answered the king back: "I have served these dogs or 10 days only and they never forgot that, While I have served you for 10 years and you forgot all of what I have done for you"

طأ طأ الملك رأسه

وأمر بالإعفاء عنه

The king felt his mistake and ordered to release the wise minister and cancel the stupid rule.

Wisdom Learnt

Always be good with people and animals and Never forget the goodness of others to you.

الحب الحقيقي The Real Love

عندما تحب شخصاً لأنه جميل... فهذا ليس حباً.. بل هذا شهوة

If you loved a person because He/She is beautiful... Then that is not love... But it's a desire.

و عندما تحب شخصاً لأنه ذكي... فهذا ليس حباً.. بل هذا أعجاباً

When you love someone because he/she is smart... Then that is not love... But it's Admiration.

و عندما تحب شخصاً لمجرد أنه غني... فهذا ليس حباً... بل هذا دليل على أنك مادي

And when you love someone just because he/she is rich... Then that is not love... But it's a proof that you are materialistic.

و عندما تحب شخصاً لأنه جيد بنظرك... فهذا ليس حباً... بل هذا أحترام لرأيك الذاتي فقط.

And when you love someone because he is good according to your opinion... Then that is not love... But it's a just a respect for your own opinion.

لكن إن أحببت شخصاً و أنت لا تعرف السبب لماذا تحبه... فهذا هو الحب الحقيقي!

While, When you love someone and you do not know why you love him/her... Then that is the Real Love!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

قصة من الزمن الجميل ... نساء زمااااااااااان

A Story from the Beautiful Ages.... The Women of the old ages

كان هناك رجل متزوج و لديه خدم
وفي يوم من الأيام خرجت الزوجة إلى الحديقة
فوجدت أحد الخدم جالساً يبكي
There was a married man who has servants
Someday, His wife went out for a walk in the garden
She found one of the servants siting in the garden and his eyes full of tears
فقالت له : مابالك أراك حزيناً
قال لها : طردني سيدي
قالت له : لماذا ؟
She asked him: Why you are crying?..
So, he answered: My Master fired me
"Why?" the wife asked.
قال لها : لقد كسرت آنية من الزجاج و أنا غافل
قالت له : تعال معي إليه
So the servant telling her the story: I have broken a vase by mistake.
The wife asked him to follow her back home.
فذهبا معاً وحين وصلوا قال لخادمه لماذا عدت مجدداً
قالت الزوجة : أنا أحضرته لقد كسر آنية زجاج فطردته
قال لها : و ما شأنك أنتي ؟
قالت : هذا ظلم و جور
When they reached home, the husband said to the servant "Why you are here?"
The wife replied to the husband: I brought him back as it's unfair to fire him just because he broke a vase by mistake.
فقال لها : سيعود بشرط أن تذهبي أنتي إلى أهلك ..
فقالت : موافقة ..
فقال الزوج : خذي معك أعز ماتملكين و غداً تذهبين
The husband told the wife:"It's ok, He back to his work in one condition, You leave the house back to your parents house...and take with you the dearest thing to your heart with you."
So the wife Answered: "OK, Agreed."
و حين خيّم الظلام خدرته و أخذته معها إلى أهلها
When the sun already set... She numbed the husband and took him with her to her parents house.
وفي الصباح حين أستيقظ وجد نفسه في منزلها
فقال : أين أنا و من أتى بي إلى هنا
فأتته زوجته وقالت : أنا من أحضرتك إلى هنا
قال : لماذا
At morning, The husband woke up to find himself in his in law house... wondered "Why I'm here? How did I come to here! I do not remember coming to here!!i
"I'm the one who brought you here" the wife answering her husband back.
"Why?" the Husband said.
قالت : قلت لي خذي أعز ما تملكين و أنت أعز من أملك
فأبتسم وقال تعالي نرجع إلى البيت !
The wife quietly said: "You asked me to go out from your house and told me to take the dearest thing to my heart... and that is you"
So the Husband smiled said to his wife "Come my dearest wife, let's back to our home"
شايفين زمان ونساء زمان !
لو نساءنا كان اخذت ذهبها وعطورها
واهم شيء شاحن الموبايل
Do you see how the old ages women were???
Not like nowadays women.. They will take their perfumes and mobile chargers!!
Hahaha... The story just for fun!