Thursday, November 14, 2013

The 10'th of Muharram (AASHOORA') and The Muslims

The 10'th of Muharram (AASHOORA') and The Muslims

By The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, and The Most Merciful

    Nowadays, unfortunately, a lot of Muslims do not know what exactly happened during AASHOORAA’ (on the 10’th of Muharram). Well, around 19 of the Family of Rasul Allah “AHLO AL-BAIT”, in addition to 50 of the Rasul Allah Family followers have been killed in this day in Karbalaa’.

    Both sides; Sunni and Shia know that who killed Al-Hussain and all the others with him was an AMAWY Army (A Muslim Army belongs to YAZID BIN MOAWIYHA BIN ABI SUFYAN)… But the two sides disagreed about “Did YAZID Order his army to kill Al-Hussain and all the rest… or the army behaved up to their opinion?!”… Well, Sunni People say the Answer is “NO, YAZID did not” and they have their proof story version.. While Shia say that answer is “YES, YAZID did” and they have their other proof story version. So, The Question here is “Who to believe?!”… For me, the Answer is “For two reasons it does not matter, that we cannot confirm the truth of any of the two versions and Allah knows the truth and Allah will punish the killers”.

    Unfortunately, the nowadays Muslim nation is in its ugliest face, Sunni hate until death shia, and Shia hate until death the Sunni, Sunni killing Shia, and Shia Killing Sunni, all for faulty reasons as each of them pretend to be the true Muslim. If we back to the Islamic teachings those Rasul Allah have taught us, we would find that to be Muslims, we have to do 5 thing (ONLY 5), very simple, those are; 
    1- Saying and believing the Shahadah (There is not god other than Allah and      
        Muhammad S.A.W is the Prophet sent by Allah), 
    2- Salat (Pray Five times a day), 
    3- Zakat (Annually for our money), 
    4- Fasting (During Ramdhan), 
    5- and Haj (Visiting Al-Ka’bah during the Haj Time). 

    If you have noticed, both of Sunni and Shia believe in this teaching and they apply it, WHICH MEANS, Both of Sunni and Shia are Muslims.

    So, We as Muslims, What is required from us to do? According to my opinion, We have to know that ASHOORAA was a tragedy day for ALL Muslims, We have to read what had happened to Al-Husain and the others with him, and finally and above all, We have to carry on with what Al-Hussain and his followers were doing at that time… So what they all were doing? Al-Hussain answered back to this question by saying: ”I am going out to fix and correct The nation of my Grandfather Rasul Allah S.A.W. and put them back to the correct Islam way.” And that is exactly what we, all Muslims, should do starting with ourselves, we do need to fix ourselves and our ideas by strictly following the Islamic teachings (Can find in Qur’an) such as being merciful, forgiving, kind, honest, accepting other people opinions, SHURA (Discussing our different opinions to take the hand of this Muslim Ummah to move forward and reach the best), learn about each other, Love each other (as after all we still brothers in Islam and from Adam), wish the best for each other, Respect Non-Muslims as Rasul Alah have done with Christians and Jewish, and a lot of other noble teachings …etc.

Al-hamdo Lillah... Wa Allah Knows Better.