Thursday, November 14, 2013

The 10'th of Muharram (AASHOORA') and The Muslims

The 10'th of Muharram (AASHOORA') and The Muslims

By The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, and The Most Merciful

    Nowadays, unfortunately, a lot of Muslims do not know what exactly happened during AASHOORAA’ (on the 10’th of Muharram). Well, around 19 of the Family of Rasul Allah “AHLO AL-BAIT”, in addition to 50 of the Rasul Allah Family followers have been killed in this day in Karbalaa’.

    Both sides; Sunni and Shia know that who killed Al-Hussain and all the others with him was an AMAWY Army (A Muslim Army belongs to YAZID BIN MOAWIYHA BIN ABI SUFYAN)… But the two sides disagreed about “Did YAZID Order his army to kill Al-Hussain and all the rest… or the army behaved up to their opinion?!”… Well, Sunni People say the Answer is “NO, YAZID did not” and they have their proof story version.. While Shia say that answer is “YES, YAZID did” and they have their other proof story version. So, The Question here is “Who to believe?!”… For me, the Answer is “For two reasons it does not matter, that we cannot confirm the truth of any of the two versions and Allah knows the truth and Allah will punish the killers”.

    Unfortunately, the nowadays Muslim nation is in its ugliest face, Sunni hate until death shia, and Shia hate until death the Sunni, Sunni killing Shia, and Shia Killing Sunni, all for faulty reasons as each of them pretend to be the true Muslim. If we back to the Islamic teachings those Rasul Allah have taught us, we would find that to be Muslims, we have to do 5 thing (ONLY 5), very simple, those are; 
    1- Saying and believing the Shahadah (There is not god other than Allah and      
        Muhammad S.A.W is the Prophet sent by Allah), 
    2- Salat (Pray Five times a day), 
    3- Zakat (Annually for our money), 
    4- Fasting (During Ramdhan), 
    5- and Haj (Visiting Al-Ka’bah during the Haj Time). 

    If you have noticed, both of Sunni and Shia believe in this teaching and they apply it, WHICH MEANS, Both of Sunni and Shia are Muslims.

    So, We as Muslims, What is required from us to do? According to my opinion, We have to know that ASHOORAA was a tragedy day for ALL Muslims, We have to read what had happened to Al-Husain and the others with him, and finally and above all, We have to carry on with what Al-Hussain and his followers were doing at that time… So what they all were doing? Al-Hussain answered back to this question by saying: ”I am going out to fix and correct The nation of my Grandfather Rasul Allah S.A.W. and put them back to the correct Islam way.” And that is exactly what we, all Muslims, should do starting with ourselves, we do need to fix ourselves and our ideas by strictly following the Islamic teachings (Can find in Qur’an) such as being merciful, forgiving, kind, honest, accepting other people opinions, SHURA (Discussing our different opinions to take the hand of this Muslim Ummah to move forward and reach the best), learn about each other, Love each other (as after all we still brothers in Islam and from Adam), wish the best for each other, Respect Non-Muslims as Rasul Alah have done with Christians and Jewish, and a lot of other noble teachings …etc.

Al-hamdo Lillah... Wa Allah Knows Better.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Manners - TARBIYAH - تربية

Manners - TARBIYAH - تربية

Some days ago, I had some discussion with a Malaysian Ustaz (Arabic: USTATH أُستاذ is a man with Islamic Education), as we always do. The Ustaz X (Prefer not to mention names) is a friend of mine and he always asks me about my opinion in some society and Islamic matters. Anyway, after the last discussion he asked me, saying: 

"Brother Maythem, I really like talking to you and having your opinion as you always say them straight away and most of the time you could convince me about your decision/opinion because you bring an evidence from Qur'an or Hadeeth. and I like they way you deliver it. So, Why don't you have your own Halaqah or Maybe sharing sessions with other people so they get some of your knowledge?" and then he suggested to me "Why don't you try to get a certificate for being Ustaz?! so that will ease your way to approach people in Malaysia to deliver your knowledge."

Ok, honestly I felt flattered and got shocked at same time because, for me, I thought we were discussing some general topics about life, and honestly I was not thinking that I was delivering a speech or a lesson as in class, Even though some times I bring evidences from Qur'an and Hadeeth. So I thanked Ustaz X for admiring me and told him what I thought then I added:

"Actually, I do not think of myself as an Ustaz as I do not have the deep knowledge about the Islamic science. Another thing, I do not memorize the whole Qur'an nor Hadeeth in my mind. I just remember their principles that I have learnt during my life."

Then he replied:

"The last sentence you just said, this is exactly what any man needs to become a successful Ustaz. As long as you know the Principe behind the Qur'an and Hadeeth and you can use them to make decision, then you can be a successful Ustaz. and do you know, that is exactly what a lot of Ustaz and Ustazah (a woman with Islamic Education) missing although they are very famous."

Then he gave me some examples of what we have discussed before and showed to me the difference between my opinion and a famous Ustaz (called as Ulamaa' or Scientist in Islam) and that he believes in my opinion not in that Ulamaa' Opinion (as he feels it is a wrong opinion).

At the end, we decided that we might do, together, some kind of Halaqah or Discussion Area online. But I kept thinking with myself about what he said about me...then I do believe that during my life and since my childhood, I have gained TARBIYAH from many different sources; especially my parents, teachers, friends, life experiences, summer-army-school (most of Iraqis were pushed to go and participate in), self reading and self thinking,...etc. each of them have given me some manners and abilities to think logically and to deliver information honestly. In addition to that, my mother tongue language is Arabic, and that might be a reason that I could understand the Islamic teachings easier than those Ustaz and Ustazah (Ustaz X told me about before).

In the near future, On my Blog, I will put some of the problems those Ustaz X  and me have discussed before, and I hope to receive opinions from friends IN SHA' ALLAH.
Anyway, as a conclusion, We have to teach our children correct Manners, give them proper knowledge, share Experiences with them and teach them to practice thinking through what they have learnt.. as forcing or encouraging our children to follow procedures without understanding the purpose of doing them or to memorize texts without understanding their contexts is just useless for their thinking side.