In Ramadhan 1430, While I was working on my project at IT department (UTP) for my Masters Degree, My Thai colleague "Sureena" asked my permission to let her room mate to use my Desktop PC because her Laptop was stolen while she was shopping at Tesco. So I agreed as I'm not using the Desktop. That was when and where I met Tootoo...Ooo...I mean Najmin.
After two weeks, I have proposed to Najmin through Sureena. Then we have arranged a day to meet Najmin's Mother and sister at Jusco/Ipoh, and that was the first time for me to eat at Johny's Restaurant. another day has been arranged to meet Najmin's Father at the house in Ipoh.
Before meeting Najmin's father, I was very worry and shaking, kind of afraid. Then when we met up, He was very friendly and made it very easy for me by talking as man to man and friend to friend... Al-Hamdo Lillah.
Only at that day, Me and Najmin got the blessings and agreement of her parents on our marriage, Al-Hamdo Lillah. By the way, on the same day after I left Najmin's house with the permission from Najmin's father to marry Najmin, I was very happy that is why I got captured on Police road cameras when I missed a Red Traffic Light and got fined RM300...Hehehe... Al-Hamdo Lillah for that as it was like a reminder to behave.

The 14'th of December 2008, that was the day of our official engagement when me, my mother and friends went to Najmin's house in Ipoh to Officially propose Najmin and announce our Engagement.
My father, could not come to represent me for some reason, so i have asked Ustath Nuri (Lecturer at UTP) to be my side representative.
That day I was very very very nervous, I really did not and still do not know why!! If you see the engagement pictures, then you would know how nervous I was when you see how I raised my hands while doing Doaa'...Hehehe.
Al-Hamdo Lillah, everything went as supposed to be, even though, our side, did not understand anything because the representatives were talking using Malay language...hehehe.

31'st of July 2009, that day was very difficult for me. It was writing the marriage contract. That was not the reason why that day was difficult. That day was Friday, our planned time to write the contract was around 5:00PM after Salat Asr at Majid Al-Nur in UTP. During Salat Al-Jumaat on that day, UTP administration announced that at 3:00PM UTP will be closed, NO ONE ENTERS - NO ONE OUT from UTP to prevent H1N1 to be spread more among people. So, from 2:00PM till around 4:20PM I was moving fast like a rooster from Security to Chanceler Complex then back to security asking them to let us come into UTP at 5:00PM to write the marriage contract. Some of them said "NO CAN NOT!!!" others suggest "No need to enter UTP, Just get married at the UTP gate, very romantic!!!"..hahaha... so i got very tenssion with UTP, then I said, If they did not let me get married inside the masjid as planned, I will never stay in UTP. Then did some calls with the administration staff, finally Al-Hamdo Lillah they let us Enter and write our Akid Qiran.
Early morning of the next day I have started preparing myself to start a new life with the woman I loved, that was our wedding day.
Everything was ready at that day, and just waiting for the wedding time to come, but only one thing has appeared to not be really ready!
Anyway, two or three hours before the wedding I went to the wedding shop named "Aida" which supposed to prepare my wedding suite. So happily I have started wearing it when I have discovered that the suite sleeve, right side was not even attached to the suite!!!! I was laughing and worry at the same time. The person at the shop asked me to not worry as he is going to call the tailor which was on holiday at that day. he tried to call him many times but in vein, no reply. At that moment I have started getting angry. He tried many times till he got him on phone and asked him to come urgently to solve my problem and he did and Al-hamdo Lillah He finisihed sewing the sleeve just around 45 minutes before the wedding. Quickly, they dressed me and puty me te in the car of Hazli (My Friend ^_-) and we moved to the Mobile Petrol station, the place where suppoed to meet all of my friends so we move together toward my bride's house. But, there was an expected problem, one of my friends named "Ahmed" have lost his way so he got very very late as usual. Anyway, We have moved to Najmin's house without Ahmed.
Finally, we have reached to the wedding place waiting for My bride to come out from home to take me in (according to the Malay Culture). Al-Hamdo Lillah she did not let me wait long time till she appeared with her sister (Nurul Ashikin) and her eldest brother (Ahmed Firdaus) and walked me into the house. Leading us, a group of children carrying Kompang (Hand Drums) to do the Malaysian traditional Wedding Music, and that they have screwed up, but it was fun...haha.

Oh.. and I have just remembered, During we were walking into the house, the DJ turned on Nashid "Tala'a Al-Badro Alaina' طلع البدر علينا".
Talking about the DJ, he (Pakcik Saleh) was the husband of Najmin's Aunt (Makcik Lung). Me and Najmin, have prepared 4 CDs of mixed Arabic and Malaysian songs and Nasids and gave to Pakcik Saleh to turn on during the wedding. Pakcik Saleh have turned one or two CDs then he put his own songs, that he got from Somewhere or someone else. One of those songs he turned on was an Arabic Song for the Singer named "Umm Kalthum أم كلثوم", The song's title was "Love and Drunk People حب و سكارى". So you can imagine how the song is, but Al-Hamdo Lillah Most of the Guests were Malaysians so they did not understand what was going on...hahaha. Two of my friends "Ali and Mudhar" went to Pakcik Saleh and asked him to change the song and that he did. :)
One of the nicest things in our wedding was the 3-Layers Chocolate Cake topped with mixed fruits which was made by Makcik ina (Najmin's Uncle Pakcik D's Wife).
It was the time for cake cutting, when me and my bride were called to walk toward the cake to cut. At that moment I was very happy that I will eat the biggest piece of that delicious looking cake. So while we are cutting the cake, My hand wants to cut a big piece while my wife pushes my hand so the knife cuts a small piece. Anyway, at the end she won and we cut a small piece. Then we have to feed each other. While I'm taking the piece to feed Najmin, Najmin looked to the piece of cake and she found a strawberry that she wants, so she kept whispering saying: "I want the strawberry.. I want the strawberry.. I want the strawberry..".. hahaha.. So my hand was very kind and took the strawberry piece with a big amount of chocolate cake and fed her.

Then, It was her turn to feed me by her hand. So, she took a very very very very very very small piece of cake that I do not need to open my mouth to eat it, and fed me with. and Wa Allah that was the only piece of cake I got have ever tasted from my 3-Layers wedding cake. and till this moment I can not forget my wedding cake.

I would like to end this article by very special thanks to all those who have participated in the wedding preparations and those who have supported me to have my beautiful wife Najmin... O.. By the way, her name at home is Tootoo, at least this is how I call her...hahaha.
Al-Hamdo Lillah for his kind Rizik.